Interested in hiring for an event?
Whether you are interested in hiring one of our talented musicians, a portion of the band, or the whole thing - you have come to the right place. We play weddings, funerals, parades, concerts, and gatherings of all kinds.
Things to know
If you are interested in hiring a single piper for an event such as a wedding or funeral, you can fill out our contact us form with the required details. Each musician acts as an independent contractor and will work with you to establish pricing for the event.
If you are interested in hiring a mini band, or the entire band to come out and play, you can fill out the contact us form and you will be contacted by the band manager. You will work directly with the band manager, Killian You will work directly with Killian to establish details such as location, pricing, and start and end times for the event.
The pipes will need a place to tune and warm up. The most ideal situation is a room or a parking lot if it is nice outside to let the pipes play. Typically the pipers will need around 20-30 minutes to warm up and tune. If the event is a surprise, let us know and we can work out the details!
The musicians are expert playlist curators! Let them know the vibe you are going for, and they can deliver a set of tunes that is perfect for the event.
These are very loud instruments and they cannot be turned down. Our pipers and drummers have plenty of experience and will be able to offer suggestions on where, when, and what to play. We also do have some musicians that can play small pipes, which are a quieter version of a bagpipe - however those cannot be easily heard in rooms of people.
It can be very difficult as well as disappointing to play music on the pipes that was written on other instruments. Musicians will listen to your ideas for this, but may let you know that it cannot be done.
We have a set of tunes that we do know that you may request for your event, but do not feel as though you need to know. If you let us know what the feeling of the music is that you are looking for, we can play what suits the occasion.
If you have a specific tune that you would like played, please note that in the contact us form. We will work with you to see what we can do and be upfront if we do not have that tune in the band’s set or if an individual does not know it.